Much has been said about 916, and it has passed by with just a couple of press conferences and of course the customary back and forth allegations by both sides. Maybe the biggest news within the period was SAPP's showing of its middle finger to BN and saying " see ya laters - sucka!" to them.
In all honesty, i was not putting on much hope for the take-over to go ahead on the stipulated date. Just had this uncanny feeling the rotten and corrupted-to-the-core goons still in power will not go down so tamely with out a dirty handed fight. Then again, what is new? Scare-mongering tactics is part and parcel of their aging arsenal of political tricks and show-boating. In the age of information technology, i just can't understand why they are still so hell bent on using propaganda that is such a fooking cliche and taboo - we aint no 3 year olds no more.
I truly believe majority of us fellow Malaysian are mature enough to see through our racial, religious and cultural differences. As different as we are, we have 3 basic common goals - equal opportunity (not only for those rich, elite or well connected hiding behind affirmative actions - that includes shameless chinese who use back doors to work with the umnoputras to rob the country'c coffers), justice - no detention without trial, and rule of law - we want a more secure and safe Malaysia free from corruption.
Religion is not as sensitive as scare-mongers made it to be - NO religion in the world will teach the followers to be corrupt, disrespectful to others and be racists bigots. Those who are faithful, irregardless of Muslims, Buddhists / Taoists, Hindus and Christians, are taught to be respectful of each other and how to be a better person. The higher being up above enlightened all of us with simple words of wisdoms to lead us to the right path but that was twisted and wrongly intrepreted by some mare mortals like us, hell bent on using GOD's words for their own gain. This kind of people, to me are worst than the devil. As long as we understand that ultimately, all religion teaches us to be better and more righteous, the non-sense issues brought by those irresponsible people will be irrelevant and will only serve to put egg on their own face.
Knowledge is power - we cannot afford to be caught up in our own shell or cocoon anymore. We have to break all the stereotype associated with the Malays, Chinese, Indian, Kadazans, Ibans and the other races living under the Malaysian sky. It's been 51 years since independence, it's sad to see how close all of us are but at the same time still see how small difference that can be ironed out through talks and more understanding can devide us by so much. Start to mingle around with your fellow Malaysians- spread the muhibbah spirit. Stop being hypocrites by sticking to your own kind and accuse the others of being racists. Open up your mind, your eyes and your heart - we are all the same, we are born in Malaysia and we are the loyal subjects of the Agung. Do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise.
We have to work together to regain back the Malaysia we KNOW - a beautiful country with abundance of resources. I have to use the old cliche - one stick is easy to break, but when you bound a bunch together, it be harder and quite possibly impossible to break them (unless you have super powers). Inorder to achieve this, ALL of us need to do some soul searching and answer this simple but hard question - what do we ultimately want for Malaysia? I bet you majority would have the same answer. So let's wake up and work together not against each other. Change our mindset and mentality. Break the stereotype.
Winds of change have been blowing since 8th March, let's turn it into a cyclone to blow the corrupted and "dirty" from Putrajaya and start a new. Change is coming sooner or later. Till then lets hold on tight and see how long more the jokers can keep on entertaining us Malaysian with their thin veil threads and "sandiwara."
I might sound like a broken record playing the same old tune. But, i'd gladly do it all again as long as Malaysia becomes the great country it is destined to be.