Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Busy Times Ahead!

Been a while since i updated me blog. Extremely busy with some email and system migration work for my office - cue setting up 35 brand new Dell PCs, download and convert 40 - 50 GB worth of emails, and install the new PC for the users. As of now only managed to finish up 7 units, including me spanking new Dell Latitude D630 notebook ;0). Me and my other 2 colleagues from my HO in Bkt Jelutong is struggling to get everything settle by this coming 11th April!
I'm expecting to stay in me office and OT to atleast 10 pm daily for the next week and a half or so. So if i go missing from the blog and cyber space, pls don't be worried. Hehehehehe. LFC and my social life will have to take a back sit for the moment. Till then take care, and hope to to get back in touch with everyone soon.



anfield devotee said...

ha ha! Love the Dilbert strip.

Remind me to pass you me box set of animated series when we meet up next.

titoki said...

Wait, are you using 'image' or you are installing software one by one for your users? LOL

Jon-C said...

Using "image", if not i'll die a painful and slow death trying to convert all those Vista installed desktops to XP. Unfortunately left out a few setting and application when we created the image. Hehehehehe.