Friday, October 3, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin

I wish all me Muslim friends a "Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin." Those on the way back to their kampung or on the way home to KL please drive safe. Looking forward to hanging out at all ya open houses! Muahahahaha. ;0)

On a more personal note, its been a pretty boring Raya for me with one one single excursion outta me home for my best mate's open house do in USJ on the 1st day of Raya - his house specialty was an awesome Laksa Johor. Otherwise it has been a quiet holiday and best of the lot, a cost saying one too. Watching Champs League footie and sleeping was basically all i did. Hehehehe.

Still in a holiday mood and am blardee lazy to work. Been doing nothing but stare at me notebook; checking up on news and reading up on blogs the whole morning. Got a couple of reports to do but what the heck, still day dreaming about lemang, rendang, ketupat and kuah kacang. Thingking about 'em goodies just made me hungry again!

Geeeez! It's gonna be a loooooooonnnnnnnnggggg day before office hour finnishes at 5:30 pm!

*Editted - Found my salvation to preserve my sanity till the end of the day - Coldplay! Imagine me nodding me head to their music in front of my colleagues with my headphones on.


anfield devotee said...

So how's the new coldplay LP?

Jon-C said...

Always had a soft spot for those U2 inspired "Infinite Guitar" sounds, so grooving to Coldplay is a no-brainer. I still rate their first album - Parachute as the benchmark for them. The 2nd album was ok lah. Third one - X&Y, saw them loose their way a bit (try too hard to emulate U2?) although it did have 2 good song - Talk and Fix You.

Now talking about the latest - Viva la Vida. I'd say they're in a strange way going back to their roots more. The string arrangement is pretty awesome. Favourite track is no doubt Viva la Vida. Other notable that i like is Lovers In Japan and the hidden track Chinese Sleep Chant. Their new single - Lost is pretty good too - i dig marching drum beats! They still sound U2-ish, thanks to the Brian Eno the producer.

anfield devotee said...

yeah, agree with you. Parachutes was real gold, me fave track is 'Trouble'.

RE: Eno - you dig Roxy Music?

Also see the work he did with Bowie. Brilliant.