Luckily she left over some ingredients that i could cook with (knowing how my lazy arse won't be bothered get them at the nearby market). Hence below was the net results:

The above dinner was whipped up in roughly about 20 mins, and it consists of instant fried mee, oyster sauce lettuce (with a touch of fried shallots), 1 fresh tomato and a 9" omelette ("Fu Yong " style). If any of you bloke can't even cook a proper pack of instant noodles, i'll personally smack ya in the head with me trusted frying pan!
The instant fried mee was cooked to perfection - al dente! Cook 'em in boiling water for about 2 mins, anything longer will turn them soggy. The lettuce was boiled for about 45 secs before i took 'em out and slapped em with some oyster sauce, a touch of vege oil and topped of with some fried shallots. The sliced tomato was suppose to be added to the omelet but i missed it so i just ate it as it - a fruit.
The pièce de résistance was the 9" omelette "Fu Yong" style! Due to no Chinese "Lap Cheong" sausages, i only had onion in it with soy sauce and pepper to flavour it. If you wondered how on earth it turned out in one piece, just take note of the amount of oil and heat you cook it with. A good non-stick frying pan helps too. And yeah baby! I managed flipped the bugger over too. ;0) A tip if ya wanna take a shot at cooking one; its best you stir fry them onions first until they turn slightly translucent (together with the sausages) before you add in the eggs.
I threw in a few cans of beer to quench the thirst. Net result was a filled to the brim bloke who went on with his weekend by watching the marathon run of "The Simmons' Family Jewels" on Channel V in conjunction with Father's Day.
PS - As dysfunctional as it may look, Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed actually gave life to 2 youngsters that had their heads screwed on better than their own.
Oi, its al dente la. Dante is the blokey who made a deal with satan la.
ps: Waaah, very good to see this blog in active mode. Also Life Like That who is averaging 2-3 posts a day!
pps: Do check out the FREE download at me blog!
Typo lar unker!!! :0P Thanks. Hehehehe.
geeeee.. i'm hungry
the egg
geeeee.. i'm hungry
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