I dunno about the rest, i find the best way for me to relax is to sleep, eat and sleep summore (beside watching movies and killing some terrorists with my PS3). Literally spend my days at home with only a few outings to my cousin's place in Damansara. Took my mum to visit his family as he has just got his early x'mas present - his 2nd son. Congrat Stan J! Hope the baby and S.L - the 2nd time mum, will be healthy.
Funnily enough, drop by Ikea as me mum wanted to shop for some stuff for the house to prepare for the rapidly approaching Chinese New Year - end of January. Feels weird to prepare for it since Christmast is still a week away. Have to confess, i only had the stupendously good Ikea hotdogs every single time i visited Ikano Power Center. Well, since me mum was with me, decided to have lunch at the restaurant in Ikea. Not bad at all, the food in there. Had the vegetarian pasta and the leg of chicken with 2 bottles of mineral water for about 19 bucks.

That sums up my entire last week. Gotta get back to work sloggin it out on me keyboard again to finnish up me work. Till then. Enjoy the live performance of Coldplay's Chinese Sleep Chant - a hidden song from the new Viva La Vida album.